Electronics Recycling

Electronics are one of the fastest growing parts of the waste stream, with millions of devices discarded each year in the United States. Computers, TVs, cell phones and other electronics contain valuable materials that can be recovered through responsible recycling. Electronics also contain potentially hazardous materials, such as lead and mercury, that can pose a risk to human health and the environment if not properly managed. Wisconsin’s electronics recycling law keeps many devices out of landfills and incinerators and creates recycling opportunities for state residents. Electronics recycling is a growing industry in the state, creating jobs and preserving valuable resources.

Last year, several recycling facilities in Wisconsin had devastating fires. While it can be hard to determine the cause of each fire, studies have shown that rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are often to blame. If damaged by equipment in waste trucks or facilities, these batteries can spark or produce enough heat to ignite surrounding materials. These fires put workers and firefighters at risk and caused millions of dollars in damage.

To help households understand how to manage used batteries safely, the DNR has created a new 30-second video.

To learn more and find recycling locations, visit the DNR’s Electronics and Battery Recycling webpage.